Publications and essays

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Beschikbaar op de Logos website in het Nederlands:

List of publications (multilingual listing)


Belgium Underground - Interview met Godfried-Willem Raes. Een produktie van David Mennessier, 2019. Met Franse ondertiteling.

Reportage Mens & Machine van Julie Janssens (download 266 MB)

Presentatie van de robots en interview met Godfried-Willem Raes
Download (3:16 - mpg file - 33 MB)
Alternative download (3:16 - flv file - 5 MB)

Film by Jesse Roesler
Download (4:39 - mov file - 28 MB)

Software (Open source and downloadable)

All software mentioned here written before 1997 is in Microsoft Basic QBX - PDS V7.1 for IBM-type PC's. All more recent programs are either translated or originally written in Power Basic (mostly PBWIN 10.04) and/or in C++. All this code compiles to real 32/64-bit code and runs under all Windows versions. None of this software is 'user friendly': not too much graphics, almost no idiotographs… A programmers delight. All compiled executables and DLL's can be found in a separate directory on this website. Source code is available on the site as well.

Algorithmic Composition Software

Utilities, various libraries

  • DARMS code translator (Written in collaboration with Geert Logghe) [legacy]
  • Midi-file convertors (Written in collaboration with Joachim Brackx & Johan Vercruysse) [legacy]
  • Converting *.SEQ files to standard midi: H2M.EXE [legacy]
  • Converting *.BIN files to standard midi: B2M.EXE [legacy]
  • Viruses: the medecine is worse than the disease...(article and software) [legacy]
  • Calculation of Helmholtz resonators: helmholz.exe (Written in PowerBasic CC V6.0 for Win32)
  • Global directory-wide find and replace utility: globrepl.exe (Written in PowerBasic CC V6.0 for Win32)
  • Webmaster Robot to make automatic hyperlink indexes of your entire website! hyperidx.exe (07.2002, rev.09.2011)
  • Calculation of strings for traditional as well as experimental instruments.(07.2004/2014)
  • Frustum calculation utilities for the design of conical valves in organ instruments with expression control.(2010)
  • Framework for robots using MicroChip PIC processors(18F as well as dsPIC series) using midi input and operating strictly in real time. It's a multitasker for MicroChip PIC's.(2010-2023)
  • Framework for real time sound generators used in robots with Microchip 16-bit processors (2016-2023)

Electronic Hardware utilities

  • Preamps: operational amplifier circuit design program with filters (audio)
  • Filters: design aid for passive 2 to 8-pole LC Butterworth filter calculation (QBX code, legacy)
  • Fast Fourier Transforms, spectrum analyser (Written in Power Basic 32. Download and see...). The newest versions are integrated into our real time GMT project. (2001 and later)

HarmLib: a library for generalized musical harmony

Instructions and links for downloading and use can be found in: Users Guide in HTMLThe new version works only compiled under PowerBasic Windows Compiler 10.04. Previous platforms (Microsoft Basic) are no longer supported. The library is now available as a a set of DLL files - and is now fully merged with and integrated into our GMT multitasking composition software. There also is a web page with FAQs about GMT

We are still looking for people willing to help us in further developing granular code sections, debugging, porting more code to DLL format, more elaborate support for real-time sound synthesis, graphics, device drivers, audio streaming, etc... So far we welcome and welcomed contributions from Kristof Lauwers, Philippe Druez, Lara Van Wynsberghe and Johannes Taelman.

GMT: a general purpose multitasking framework for use under PowerBasic Windows Compiler V10.04 and the Win32Api

<GMT>: multitasking programming language for real time algorithmic music composition in Basic [PowerBasic Windows compiler required]. This software package for programming composers has full support for musical syntax: extended counterpoint and harmony, real temporal autonomy of musical voices and processes, real time input and output devices... It is a 32-bit PC programming environment with full access to all Win32Api functions (including real time audio!) from within racing fast compiled Basic.

Users Manual for <GMT>Instructions for downloading are contained in this document. The files are in a single subdirectory with the URL: on the webserver. The version available now is for use under the Power Basic Compiler for Windows. The software fully supports the Win32Api, including callback functions and codepointers, objects, DLL calls etc.... Feel free to download the source code.. We advise you to install them under C:\b\pb\gmt\ on your PC. This makes sure you do not skip any essential files and that all libraries are in the directories where the program expects them to be....

File download directory



Education - Onderwijs

School of Arts

Syllabus(1982-2014) [legacy]

Experimental Music / Experimentele Muziek (Composition class)

Improvisation Class (1982 to 2007), Acoustics Class, Research Methodology Class, Sound Laboratory

Academic Collaborations

  • Ghent State University
    • Onderzoeksgroep muziekwetenschappen Ugent (Prof.dr.Marc Leman)
    • Reservoir Lab Ugent (Prof.dr.Joni Dambre)
    • Orpheus Institute
  • Hogeschool Gent
    • School of Arts
  • Orpheus Higher Institute for Music
  • Museum of Musical Instruments (MIM) , Brussels
  • Technical University Eindhoven
  • Brabants Conservatorium, Tilburg (Fontys)
  • Universiteit Leiden
  • iMinds, Universiteit Gent en Universiteit Hasselt, Axo project

Artistic Collaborations

Dick Raaijmakers (+), Phill Niblock (+), Ernesto De Sousa (+), Gavin Bryars, Ladislav Kupkovic (+), Maury Coles, Mauricio Kagel (+), Barbara Glastra Van Loon, Luk Vaes, Horatio Radulescu (+), Lieve De Pelsmaecker(+), Herman Schepens, Jan Emiel Daele (+), Raimund Krumme, Piotr Lachert (+), Annette Sachs, Gerda Verheecke (+), Moniek Darge, Davide Mosconi (+), Paul Lytton, Peter Pieters (+), Gust Gils (+), Luk Houtkamp, Misha Mengelberg (+), Freek Neyrinck (+), Michel Waisvisz (+), Jan Kruger (+), Sakis Papadimitriou, George Peixinho(+), Floros Floridis, Richard Teitelbaum, Hugh Davies(+), Roy Ashbury, Paul Burwell(+), Tony Wren, Josef Anton Riedl (+), Francois Dufresne (+), Michael Jullich, Trimpin, Jacques Remus, Pauline Oliveros (+), Paul Woodrow, Paul Panhuysen (+), Stephen Cripps (+), Johan Huys, Roland Corijn, Chris Mann (+), Richard Lerman, Walter Lievens (+), Luk Brewaeys (+), Hans Karsten Raecke, Jackson Mac Low (+), Jerry Hunt (+), Genesis P.Orridge (+), John Zorn, Tom Cora (+), Henri Chopin (+), Takehisa Kosugi (+), Tadashi Endo, Charlie Morrow, Benn Deceuninck (+), Koen Kessels, Francesca Verbauwhede (+), Ictus, Douglas Quin, Champ d'Action, Seth Josel, Tom Pauwels, Dominica Eyckmans, Karin De Fleyt, Yu & Kumi Wakao, Christof Schlaeger, Lies Gellynck, Emilie De Vlam, Tonya Lockyer, Leonaar Degraeve, Petra Dubach, Mario Van Horrik, Leon Van Noorden, Joachim Brackx, Francoise Vanhecke, Mark Dijkstra, Llorenc Barber, Walter De Buck (+), Anne Faulborn, Nicoletta Branchini, Klarenz Barlow (+), Mark Applebaum, Jasna Velickovic, Moritz Eggert, Marian De Schryver, Jelle Meander, Maja Jantar, Wu Wei, Michael Manion (+), Bruno Spoerri, Bart Maris, Rainer Boesch (+), Ghislain Potvlieghe, Marcel Ketels, Dirk Moelants, Dick Van Der Harst, Koen d'Hous, Ludwig Van Gijsegem, Stefaan Smagghe, Armand Perrenet, Hanne Deneire, Laura Maes, Helen White, Angela Rawlings, Nan Ping, Richard James (Aphex Twin), Jin Hyun Kim, Troy Rogers, Lazara Rosell Albear, Marjolijn Zwakman, Isolde Audooren, Jean Vinclair, Zam Martino Ebale, Johannes Westendorp, Zwerm, Osmane Gansore, Flavio Marques, Geert Stragier, Michael Moore, Lara Van Wynsberghe, Jonas Runa, Dominiek Pauwels, Daniela Luca, Andrea Urbankova, Felix Van Groeningen, Marijs Boulogne, Frederik Van Simaey, Ledebirds, Pol Van Assche, Bram Stadhouder, Barbara Dauwe, Heiner Goebbels, Leonardo Barbadoro, Sebastian Graems, Laura Zuallaert, Alain Van Zeveren, Pieter Corten, Philippe Druez, Charlotte Van Wouwe, Liesbeth Decrock, Heide Bertram, Nicola Hein, Gamut Inc, Chris Vandekerckhove, Marc Sinan ...

Particularly active former students:

Composition students:

    • Geert Logghe
    • Jan Emmery(+)
    • Hans Roels (masters degree, 1998)
    • Francesca Verbauwhede (1968-2023)(masters degree, 1996)
    • Johan Vercruysse (masters degree, 1995)
    • Joachim Brackx (masters degree, 1999)
    • Zachar Laskevicz
    • Annelies Van Parijs (masters degree, 1999)
    • Bruno Forment
    • Kris De Baerdemacker(masters degree, 2000)
    • Luk Vaes (doctors degree, 2010)
    • Marc Maes
    • Brent Wetters (masters degree, 2001)
    • Jonathon Kirk (composer in residence at Logos, 2000-2001)
    • Matthias Troffaes
    • Diana Ferreira
    • Thomas Smetryns (masters degree, 2003)
    • Sebastian Bradt (masters degree, 2003)
    • Barbara Buchowiec (masters degree, 2004)
    • Kristof Lauwers (masters degree, 2004)
    • Yvan Vander Sanden (masters degree, 2007)
    • Troy Rogers (doctoral student 2009-2010)
    • Lukas Huisman (masters degree piano, 2011, doctors degree, 2016)
    • Jasper Braet (Manama, 2012)
    • Arne Deforce (doctors degree, 2013)
    • Laura Maes (doctors degree, 2013)
    • Hans Roels (doctors degree, 2014)
    • Francoise Vanhecke (doctors degree, 2017)
    • Tim Deurinck (doctors degree, 2021)

Improvisation students

Stefaan Smagghe, Werner Schurmans,Ingeborg Cneut, Karin De Fleyt Marc Maes, Johan Vercruysse, Iris Algoet, Petra Dejonge, Bruno De Busschere, Olga Zolotareva, Nancy Lareu, Helena De Beul, Gwen Vandelangerijt, Debby Desmet, Leonaar Degraeve, Kristof Lauwers, Joachim Brackx, Kris De Baerdemacker, Laura Maes, Petra Van Tendeloo, Dorien Godfroid, Elke Soenen, Jonas Pannecoucke, Heleen Van Haegenborg, Celine Rulens, Inge Stassen, Benjamin Dousselaere, Luydmyla Garaschuk, Barbara Buchowiec, Daan Janssens, Johannes Westendorp, Yvan Vander Sanden, Pieter Matthynsens, Gwendolyn Desmet, Thomas Smetryns, Kobe Van Cauwenberghe...

Avant-Garde Chamber Music students (1982-2004):

Bert Jacobs, Rudy Lareu, Iris Algoet, Tomma Wessel, Karin Gutschke, Geert Logghe, Luk Vaes, Karin De Fleyt, Marc Maes, Joachim Brackx, Barbara Verfaillie, Wim Belaen, Inge Kerkhove, Marc Defraeye, Barbara Belza, Leonaar De Graeve, Helena De Beul, Sophie Trepannier, Hans Roels, Kobe Baeyens, Bruno De Busschere, Joachim Brackx, Lies Gellynck, Vanessa Defauw, Laura Maes, Chen Wan Yu, Jonas Pannecoucke, Heleen Van Haegenborg.


Writings by other people about Godfried-Willem Raes:

Mark Ansseeuw, Yves Knockaert, Prof.dr.Herman Sabbe, Larry Wendt, Frank Pauwels, Warren Burt, Joel Chadabe(+), Prof.dr.Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Karel Goeyvaerts(+), Bart Hopkins, Roger Sutherland(+), Pierre Darge, Paul Dutton, Hugh Davies(+), Anton Viergever(+), Laurens Dekeyser(+), Douglas Quin, Gordon Monahan, Prof.dr.Albert Mayr (+), Luc Janssens, Prof.dr.Mark Delaere, Prof.dr.Maarten Beirens, Dennis Bathory-Kitz,Gisela Gronemeyer(+), Carl Bergstroem-Nielsen, Peter Paul De Temmerman (+), Christof Rutten, Jaan Claeys, Marleen Wijnants, Kris De Decker, Mattias Parent, Karel Van Keymeulen, Michael Arntz, Melissa Maki, Laura Maes, Troy Rogers, Didier Wijnants, Dominique Dierick, Lex Veldhoen...

List of bibliographical references

List of interviews with Godfried-Willem Raes

Daily life properties

  • Vegetarian for over 60 years
    Patrofagie is de heimelijke rite van de karnivoor
  • Up to april 2020, quasi permanent pipe smoker (real cuban cigars, on festive occasions…) - until diagnosed with larynx as well as lung cancer...
  • Anarchist, anti-royalist, anti-nationalist
  • Vlaming en Groot-Nederlandist
  • Atheist & Agnostic
    If there were a God, we would have to murder him
    God is a meaningless question
  • Philosophical orientation: positivist pragmatism (cybernetic and hedonistic)
    The truth is in the machine, as long as it works…
  • Heterosexual
    Das ewig Weibliche zieht uns hinan...
  • Height: 1m76 Weight: 58kg [BMI 18.0]
  • No driving license, no car, no TV, no kids, no cat, no sports, no cellular phone, no Ipod, no Mac, no games…
  • Never ever drank Coke nor ever entered a Mac Donalds.
  • Virtuoso bicycle rider
  • Tango dancer, milonguero: Next tango party where I will be.
  • Speaks fluent Dutch, German, English, French and Jabbertalk.
  • Reads Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, Basic, Darms, C++, Fortran, Hex, Music, Assembler, HTML…
  • Favorite writers: Michel Houellebecq, Willem Frederik Hermans, Michel Onfray, Ludwig Wittgenstein, James Joyce, Antonin Artaud, Willem Elschot, Felix Timmermans, Lao Tsu, C.W.Rietdijk, Ror Wolf, Filip De Pillecijn
  • Favorite scientists: Niels Bohr, James Watson & Francis Crick, Kurt Goedel, Alan Turing

Last updated on

Godfried-Willem Raes on Facebook